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Collection of videos, reference examples, and more to support your real-time simulation and testing workflows


Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

Effectively Test Controls with Real-Time Digital Twins and Automated Testing.

Workflow Introductions


Industry Use Cases

Electric Motor Controls with Simulink

Electric Motor Controls with Simulink

Design, prototype, and test your brushless DC motor controls using Simulink and Speedgoat hardware

Reference Examples

Rapid Control Prototyping


Tongji University

Tongji University

Accelerating the development of a driver-adaptive ADAS control strategy using hardware-in-the-loop simulation.

Customer Success Stories


TUM Hyperloop

TUM Hyperloop

Building Hyperloop pods to revolutionize terrestrial transportation.

Customer Success Stories


Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Rapidly build, run, and test video acquisition and control applications with a Speedgoat real-time target machine. There is a wide range of applications from the design of phone cameras to autonomous vehicle systems.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases



Highly controlled manipulations are required e.g. for hearing aids, noise cancelling headphones, or car acoustics. Speedgoat real-time systems provide high performance, high-resolution analog and digital I/O, together with MATLAB & Simulink.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases

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