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Speedgoat real-time target machines are designed for Simulink Real-Time to ensure a seamless workflow.

MathWorks® software products are optimized to guarantee the best real-time performance, workflow integration and usability with Simulink® Real-Time™ and Speedgoat target machines. The latest Simulink® and Speedgoat technologies are first supported with this platform.

Speedgoat on the other hand doesn't only build and optimize its target machines for use with Simulink® Real-Time™, but also guarantees that each target machine is configured to meet your specific requirements, such as sample rate, I/O, and environmental.

Furthermore, every target machine comes with Simulink® driver blocks or FPGA reference designs to configure all installed I/O and protocols functionality. Simulink® test models are also provided.

Paired with long-term warranty, maintenance, training, and consulting services from MathWorks® and Speedgoat, you benefit from a truly turn-key solution for your next generation projects.

Real-time simulation and testing environment using
Simulink® Real-Time™ and Speedgoat systems

Real-time simulation and testing environment using Simulink Real-Time™ and Speedgoat systems

Development computer

MATLAB and Simulink, MATLAB Coder, Simulink Coder, and Simulink Real-Time

Target computer

Multi-core CPU running Simulink Real-Time kernel, FPGAs, I/O and protocol interfaces

Physical system

Hardware under test with sensor and actuator interfaces


Leveraging a Model-based Design approach with Simulink® and Speedgoat target machines enables you to run, monitor, and tune real-time applications following three powerful steps:

  1. Design your controls, vision, DSP, or plant model in Simulink®, and drag and drop Speedgoat I/O driver blocks to your model

  2. Automatically build and download your real-time application from Simulink® to the target machine using automatic C and HDL code generation

  3. Tune, monitor, and log signal parameters from within Simulink® during real-time execution


Closed-loop controls using CPUs and FPGAs

Depending on your specific applications, it makes best sense to either run your algorithms designed with Simulink® on a CPU using automatic C code generation with Simulink® Coder™, or on an FPGA using automatic HDL code generation with HDL Coder™. See also the comparative table on the Speedgoat FPGA code modules overview page, and introduction page How to build, run, and test real-time applications with HDL Coder™

As a general rule, closed-loop sample rates in the range of 1-20 kHz, in some cases even up to 100 kHz are typically well achievable by running algorithms on the CPU.

To achieve faster closed-loop sample rates, to pre-process fast analog and vision data, or in case your embedded platform is anyway an FPGA or ASIC, running algorithms on Speedgoat FPGA I/O modules using automatic HDL code generation with HDL Coder™ usually makes sense.


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machine configured to your needs.

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innovation with a modular controller hardware setup?

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