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Collection of videos, reference examples, and more to support your real-time simulation and testing workflows


Real-Time Simulation and Testing with Simulink Real-Time and Speedgoat Hardware

Real-Time Simulation and Testing with Simulink Real-Time and Speedgoat Hardware

Speedgoat real-time solutions and Simulink® are expressly designed to work together for creating real-time systems for desktop, lab, and field environments.

Workflow Introductions


Rapid Control Prototyping

Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation

Effectively Test Controls with Real-Time Digital Twins and Automated Testing.

Workflow Introductions


Industry Use Cases

Introduction to Speedgoat Simulink-Programmable FPGAs

Introduction to Speedgoat Simulink-Programmable FPGAs

Learn about the Simulink-integrated workflows to program FPGA I/O modules easily and directly from your model.

Workflow Introductions


Rapid Control Prototyping

Tongji University

Tongji University

Accelerating the development of a driver-adaptive ADAS control strategy using hardware-in-the-loop simulation.

Customer Success Stories


TUM Hyperloop

TUM Hyperloop

Building Hyperloop pods to revolutionize terrestrial transportation.

Customer Success Stories


Speedgoat Configurable I/O Modules

Speedgoat Configurable I/O Modules

Learn about the Simulink-integrated workflows to configure I/O modules easily and directly from your model.

Workflow Introductions


Rapid Control Prototyping

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