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How to Configure a Model for Simulink® Real-Time™ search search close

To run a Simulink model on a Speedgoat real-time target machine, you need to configure the model correctly for Simulink® Real-Time™. This can be done in multiple ways:


Applying the Changes Directly in the Model Settings
Using the Target Platform Selector (MATLAB® R2024a and later)
Using the slrealtime.Target Object (MATLAB® R2024a and later)



Applying the Changes Directly in the Model Settings


The simplest way to configure your model would be to use the Target Platform Selector or the slrealtime.Target object. However, you can also go to the model settings and make the changes manually:

  • In Simulink®, go to the MODELING tab and click Model Settings
  • Under SolverSolver selection, set Type to Fixed-step
  • Under Code GenerationTarget selection, set System target file to the correct value as listed in the table.

In the future, there may be more options for valid system target files.

MATLAB® release System target file
R2023b and earlier slrealtime.tlc
R2024a and later speedgoat.tlc






Using the Target Platform Selector


Info    Note: Available on MATLAB® R2024a and later.

The Target Platform Selector is a GUI application that you can use to configure your Simulink® model for the target platform, i.e., the Speedgoat real-time target machine.

You can open the Target Platform Selector by selecting Simulink® Real-Time™ in the APPS tab or Target Platform in the REAL-TIME tab.

Once the GUI is open, select the Speedgoat real-time target machine for which you want to configure your model and select OK.

Currently, the changes to the model settings are identical, no matter which Speedgoat real-time target machine has been selected. This may change in the future.

⮕ Documentation of the Target Platform Selector





Using the slrealtime.Target Object


Info    Note: Available on MATLAB® R2024a and later.

You can configure your model for the target platform by calling the configureModelForTargetPlatform function from the slrealtime.Target object.

tg = slrealtime('TargetPC1');


This function needs to access your Speedgoat real-time target machine and may fail if no connection can be established.
For more information, please visit the documentation at MathWorks®.

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