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Leading companies use Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) for faster product development. The flexible and scalable real-time simulation solutions enable you to make your research project successful.

Accelerate Your Research Projects


RCP - Rapid Control Prototyping

Engineers in industry-leading companies use rapid control prototyping (RCP) to reduce time-to-market, save costs, and reduce product development risks.

Deploy your control strategies and new algorithms modeled inside MATLAB® and Simulink® and verified with desktop simulations by the click of a button to Speedgoat real-time target machines acting as a controller and interfaced with hardware using various I/O modules and protocols.

Real-time data visualization and parameter tuning open the possibilities to use Speedgoat systems to test, for example, entire new engine-control-units (ECU) or flight-controllers or even redesign parts of existing control algorithms using a bypassing workflow.


⮕ Learn more about RCP

HIL - Hardware in the Loop

Real-time plant simulation solutions from Speedgoat enable complex physical models designed using Simulink® Real-Time™, Simscape, Stateflow®, or any other compatible MathWorks® software tool, to run on modern multi-core and FPGA systems.

Simulating vehicle parts or complete vehicles, airplanes, or satellites, including environmental conditions on components or system levels, allows for safety testing beyond the range of regular operation. The flexibility and scalability of Speedgoat real-time target machines are ideally suited for more extensive research projects.

Fully integrated into MATLAB® and Simulink®, data visualization, and parameter tuning in real-time allows you to immediately monitor the effects on the simulated plant interfaced with controller hardware such as ECU, BMS, or flight-controller.


⮕ Learn more about HIL

HIL - Hardware in the Loop

Research Domains


Configurable to Your Needs

Real-time target machines and interface modules from Speedgoat offer modularity and flexibility while keeping the workflow seamlessly integrated into MATLAB® and Simulink®. An academic discount on the commercial product line-up and dedicated academic hardware is offered to academic institutions.

Configurable to Your Needs

Configuration Examples


A variety of real-time target machines and interfaces allows Speedgoat to provide a system configured
specifically to the need for a research project while keeping later expansion possible.


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Educational Solutions

Find new ways to inspire students and bring new approaches to the classroom. Let future engineers gain experience with real-time simulations.

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Collaboration Program

At Speedgoat, we support great projects that benefit both parties. Do not hesitate and get in touch with us to further discuss your idea.

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Request a Configuration Proposal

Get a proposal for a real-time target
machine configured to your needs.

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Request a Free Workflow Demo

Curious how to accelerate control design
innovation with a modular controller hardware setup?

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and application requirements.

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